Hi, I'm Patrizia Gaio

Welcome to the Patrizia Gaio Acupuncture and Chinese massage clinic in Highgate and Stoke Newington, London.

I discovered Chinese Medicine when I chose to practice Qigong as an alternative to recommended surgery for two severe slipped discs in my neck. This was the catalyst for a journey that not only made me decide to change my career, it has also seen me grow and become more in charge of my own health and wellbeing. 

I’m a passionate advocate of Chinese Medicine, I’ve seen it working first-hand and I keep seeing great results from the people I treat. As a practitioner, I’m excited to be able to introduce more people to such profound knowledge and wisdom.

Patrizia Gaio

My Approach to Helping You

Chinese Medicine originated within the philosophies that observed the natural phenomena to interpret the whole spectrum of existence. Over millennia, it has developed into a healing system that reflects the complexity of such forces at work and their natural tendency of moving towards balance.

As well as in nature, our health is the result of synergic actions working on many levels — and when such balance is disrupted, ailments can occur. I help my clients become aware of such wholeness, and introduce them to the idea of being active as part of their healing process.


The first session starts with a thorough consultation aimed at finding the root of the issue presented, which includes questions and hands-on investigations. Based on the findings, I apply the treating principles of Chinese Medicine using acupuncture, the Chinese massage or both. I discuss the treatment and its modalities before proceeding.

As an integral part of my treatments, I discuss the diet and lifestyle aspects that are directly involved and provide bespoke advice as follow up at home. Such synergy speeds up the healing process and makes it lasting, as well as establishing a framework for future healthier and more mindful choices.

For clients who may find such adjustments overwhelming or confusing, I offer ongoing support in addition to my clinic treatments. Please refer to the online health coaching page for more information.


At each following session, we start with discussing the effects of the previous treatment, any new aspect that might have occurred and any other relevant assessment. This will inform the dynamic of the new treatment.

Each person is unique and such is their journey. I cannot predict how the process will unfold and how the client is going to react at each stage. I would expect an acute condition to resolve quicker than a chronic one but yet we might be surprised!

The space I create is welcoming and non-judgmental in order for everyone to feel safe and at ease. I always make sure that any dynamic is allowed and finds a compassionate environment in which to unfold and evolve. At any stage the client is in charge of the development of the session and the whole process and I always make sure that I have the consent before moving on. When I need to introduce a new treatment or technique I explain it before and provide assurance to any concern that may arise.

Resources for some in-depth reading

Blood and female spirit
The Daoist view: the Heavenly Streams and the Three Treasures
Spring is coming! 3 simple steps to get ready and feel good: eat light, detox and exercise!