Holistic Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic

Patrizia Gaio - Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

I’m passionate about Chinese Medicine as a healing system, and about Daoism as a philosophy for life. They both take care of ailments of the body, mind and spirit; and work with the principles of Yin and Yang to restore balance. 


- Massage -

Calm your Mind
Boost your Health
Nourish your Skin

Promotional price £50
- contact me for details -

Full body acupuncture

Acupuncture can help with respiratory conditions, digestive disorders, menstrual, fertility, menopausal issues, emotional distress, and more. Discover how my acupuncture sessions can help you feel better.

Tuina, Chinese massage

Tuina is a medical massage to help repair soft tissues, realign tissues and joints, lubricate joints, strengthen the immune system, and calm the mind. Discover how my Tuina sessions can help your body recover.

Online Health Coaching

These sessions aim at helping my clients in setting up a balanced lifestyle, diet and exercise routine based on the principles of Yang Shen Fa and their specific health needs.
Choose the option that works best for you!

Hi, I am Patrizia...

I discovered Chinese Medicine when I chose to practice Qigong as an alternative to recommended surgery for two severe slipped discs in my neck. This was the catalyst for a journey that not only made me decide to change my career, it has also seen me grow and become more in charge of my own health and wellbeing. 

I’m a passionate advocate of Chinese Medicine, I’ve seen it working first-hand and I keep seeing great results from the people I treat. As a practitioner, I’m excited to be able to introduce more people to such profound knowledge and wisdom.

Patrizia Gaio

Resources for some in-depth reading

Spring is coming! 3 simple steps to get ready and feel good: eat light, detox and exercise!
Learn how to boost the health of your Uterus
Stay healthy in Autumn with 4 Qigong exercises that benefit your Lungs